UT2C 2nd Edition!

Date 2007/1/28 15:18:39 | Topic: News

Unreal Tournament 2: Second Edition is a total remake of
UnrealTournament 2004 that includes many features from such games like as UT99, Unreal, Quake3, Unreal2.

My map was choosen again for this mod (dm-turbine) ;)
i'm really proud of it ^^ yay

for more info about this great mod :

forum link : (official epic forum)
UT2C SE contain 36 map remakes (There is not simple portations! Content based on UnrealEngine2 technology) from UT99 (also included Quake 3 Arena map - Campgrounds). Integrated some PRO Mode features - Warmup, Voting, Hitsounds, Brightskins, Fast Switch weapons etc. Modification have a linear ladder structure like in UT99 which have Death Match, Capture The Flag, Domination and Clan Arena disiplines.

This article comes from ilbeppez Unreal

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